New Year Letter from the AmberDrop team 2025

Good evening players,

This is Martin on behalf of the AmberDrop team.

First of all, allow me to wish everyone a happy new year! 2024 has been a very difficult year for many, but we hope that with 2025, things will start to move towards some better things and calmer climates.

The outgoing year was particularly difficult for me, as I had to pick up a full time job in a big, complicated company to make ends meet and raise funds for the completion of TTFA. Although this was the right move financially, it dramatically influenced my ability to work on the game, especially in the first half of the year when I had to get used to my new job. At that time, whenever I found the time to get some progress done for the game, I was always in a state of near complete physical and mental exhaustion. Thankfully, it wasn't all for nothing, and so far I've been able to secure a financial future for the game (to keep its development going) and through these difficulties, I was able to grow and learn a lot about myself and about life in general. There's a popular Latvian saying "one grows through difficulties", which perfectly sums up the past year for me.

That said, I'd like to share my deepest gratitude to everyone, who has been understanding, supportive and most importantly patient during this very difficult period. No matter how small your comment or support may be, it makes us feel like all of this is worthwhile and we're not just putting all our work into a black void. On behalf of all of us - thank you!

In general, things have been improving and moving in a good direction. Lately, I've been more successful at finding more free-quality time for working on the game.

All of this positive movement has brought us here to discuss our plans for 2025...

Since we have made a lot of good progress in the past few weeks, we now feel comfortable and confident in setting a goal for ourselves to release the full version of the game at the 4th quarter of this year!

Currently, we're well into the production of the 6th night, and its levels/scenes (not including gameplay, animation and voiceovers) are about 2/3rds complete! In the upcoming months we'll start to work on the voiceover and animations, which will push the game further to completion. Of course, once the right time comes, there will be a more precise release for the full release and some trailers/teasers along the way. ;))

I've been working on this game since the tail end of 2014, so this is basically the 10th year of the games development. As you can imagine, it makes me feel really, really happy (and a bit anxious) to finally see the game's full release on the horizon(after all, it's been 10 years!). However, there's still some way to go, so in the upcoming months, we'll be laser focused on finishing the game till the end of 2025. During this time, if our online engagement seems slightly low, rest assured that we're very busy on finishing the game.

From all of us here, thank you for supporting this wild dream of ours, and we look forward in experiencing the full release together at the end of this year ;))

Martin (on behalf of the AD team

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